Brimbank Community Health and Wellbeing Survey

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Brimbank Council is inviting residents to participate in a new health and wellbeing survey to assess the lifestyle and behavioural impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic across our community.

The Community Health and Wellbeing Survey is one of a number of ways that Council is gathering information on local community needs arising from the pandemic. The survey covers the impacts on household finances, physical and mental health, access to services and communications.

The survey is now open and closes on Sunday 20 September 2020.

To complete the survey:

PDF Download

Email your completed survey to attention Customer Service Officer, or

Post to Brimbank City Council, Attn: Research Officer, PO Box 70, Sunshine VIC 3020.
Submissions must be received by 11.59pm 20 September 2020.

By completing the survey, residents have the option to go in to the draw to win a supermarket voucher to the value of $100. More details about the prize are listed at the end of the survey.

Community feedback will help to inform delivery of Council’s services and advocacy efforts to the Federal and State governments for additional community support.

What happens next?

After the survey period finishes, the Research Officer at Council will be responsible for gathering all the data (online and paper copy), and completing the analysis and reporting.

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