Brimbank Learning Futures, located in the heart of the west, is a place where young people and others in the community can get information and services to help with education, training and employment. Brimbank Learning Futures aims to create positive learning experiences and pathways in Brimbank for young people and adults with barriers to learning to enable better educational and employment outcomes. BLF’s vision is to create positive learning experiences in Brimbank alongside young people and adults to enable better educational and employment outcomes.
Drop-in 9 am-5 pm Monday to Friday and speak to a staff member about your training, education and employment needs.
Our services include:
• Pathway support
• Counselling advice.
• Community programming, e.g. workshops, information sessions and seminars
• Partnership related work
• Access to staff to support on your pathway
At BLF, we have the job advocate program since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has significantly impacted the Victorian labour market. Many Victorians are maybe dealing with unemployment in response to the disruptions and experiencing difficulties. Others in this climate may face a significant challenge gaining and securing employment. In this current environment, many Victorians will need support to secure employment.
The establishment of jobs Victoria advocates recognises that many people are unaware of the additional support available to them or do not know where to get the help they need to get back into work. Advocates will perform a crucial navigation role into the broader employment service ecosystem.
Advocates will be the local face of employment services in Victoria, helping direct job seekers to the types of support they need. Advocates will support anyone in the community looking for a pathway to employment or who needs employment-related supports.
The circumstances of people engaging with Advocates will vary from location to location, depending on local communities and the existing services mix, but may include:
• People currently working but considering a change of career/job in the future
• People undertaking post-secondary study who are unsure of their work options
• Underemployed workers (i.e. those working fewer hours than they would like)
• People currently out of the labour market but planning to re-enter the workforce
• Retrenched workers
• Long-term unemployed jobseekers
• Jobseekers who are ineligible for Commonwealth employment services
• Jobseekers referred by other services, including Victorian Government services
• Jobseekers with multiple and complex barriers to employment.
Visit the Brimbank Learning Futures webpage for all our programming.
We have a variety of spaces available for hire at low rates for the community. Our rooms are great for meetings, training sessions, social groups or small events.
o – A multi-purpose seminar room/auditorium
o – Formal and informal learning spaces
o – An IT suite with 8 computers; and
o – A flexible open learning space
To enquire about any of our programs and bookings, please call 9249 4116 or email us at