Meet Asna: Your 2024 Brimbank Youth Councillor

 In Brimbank Youth Council

It’s time to meet your 2024 Brimbank Youth Council!

The Brimbank Youth Council is made up of young people in the area, who are motivated, excited and determined to represent the young community of Brimbank.

Asna is “your average high schooler” who comes from a Pakistani Muslim background and enjoys reading, writing, and going out. Read more about her below.

Why did you join the Brimbank Youth Council?

I joined Brimbank Youth Council in hopes to seek new opportunities and connections, while making my mum feel happy too. I had applied previously when I was fresh out of primary school but didn’t make the cut then, so I really look forward to my stay being a part of this year’s Brimbank Youth Council.

What are you passionate about?

I’m passionate about a lot of things if I’m around the right people and we can have such discussions, usually regarding characters and plots in books/movies, or topics that I can debate about with other people to form our own collective opinions.

What are you hoping to achieve as a Brimbank Youth Councillor this year?

I want to learn and educate myself as much as I can, to form connections, meet new people, and be able to feel accomplished by being part of the Brimbank Youth Council this year. This is what I hope to achieve.

What does a better Brimbank look like to you?

It looks like a place where I can feel comfortable and safe just being me, a place where I can just walk down the streets and enjoy the fresh air whilst I take photos of the sky or some pretty flower. A better Brimbank would be one where we can have a positive outlook on the community.

What’s one piece of advice you have for young people who want to create change in their community?

Take things one step at a time, have patience, be willing to listen and take on feedback.

Stay updated on our next 2024 Brimbank Youth Councillor interviews by following us on Facebook or Instagram.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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