Brimbank Youth Council: Chelsea Truong

 In Brimbank Youth Council

It’s with great pleasure to introduce your 2022 Brimbank Youth Councillor Chelsea Truong!

Name: Chelsea Truong

Pronouns: she/her

Suburb: Cairnlea

Tell us more about yourself!

I am a proud member of Brimbank and have been living in different areas of Brimbank since I was born in Sunshine Hospital in 2001. I would describe myself as optimistic, hard working and just someone who wants to enjoy life and make the most of it. I love spending time with family and friends, travelling and trying out different things in the kitchen.

Why did you join the BYC? OR IF THIS IS YOUR SECOND YEAR: Why did you decide to stay on in the BYC?

I joined the BYC last year to be able to contribute and do my part for this special community that we share. I’ve decided to stay on another year because I am proud of the work we did last year and believe we can continue to do better this year. I think that being a member of the BYC is a great opportunity in providing a platform to work with others on goals that effectively bring about positive change to the people in our local areas. 

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about young people growing up in a supportive environment, where they have access to everything they need. I think that it is so unfortunate that not everyone grows up in a loving and stable environment where they can learn, grow and really work on finding themselves. Being young and growing up is not the easiest thing, especially in today’s society where we have such pervasive influences such as social media which can really have a negative effect on a young person’s view of themselves. Thus, I just want every young person to feel loved and appreciated, and to feel like there is a place for them in society. This is especially related to the Brimbank community as our overall socioeconomic status can mean that youth in Brimbank don’t necessarily have the same access to opportunities as those in other regions.

What’s one piece of advice you have for young people who want to create change in their community?

To people who want to create change, you are amazing. It all starts with believing that you can make a difference and knowing that every little bit of change is meaningful. I’ve been disappointed so many times where I have felt like I haven’t done enough but something I’ve learnt along the way is that I don’t have to change the world; all I have to do is do my best and that’s what I hope to convey to everyone out there. 

Ultimately, there are so many amazing accomplishments that young people have achieved so just do your best to create change. It never hurts to try.

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