Brimbank Youth Council: Emily Bui

 In Brimbank Youth Council

It’s with great pleasure to introduce your 2022 Brimbank Youth Councillor Emily Bui!

Name: Emily Bui

Pronouns: She/Her

Suburb: Kings Park

Tell us more about yourself!

I am currently in my last year of VCE. Despite the fact that my schedule can get quite busy, I still like to hang out with friends, cook and read whenever I can. I don’t have any pets, but I would love to get a goldfish after graduation!

As a returning BYC, why did you decide to re-join?

Although we did manage to accomplish many great things last year during lockdown, I wanted to further experience what it would be like to represent youth voices and work with other young people now that everything is slowly coming back to normal. Besides, I can never say ‘no’ to working and speaking up for young people!

What are you passionate about?

I am very passionate about the topic of mental health. I feel that many adults don’t take the mental health of young people seriously when in fact it is a big part of, and just as important as physical health. 

Discrimination against the LGBTQIA+ community is also an issue I will never stop speaking up for. This community faces violence, prejudice, disrespect and stigma on a daily basis. People belonging to the LGBTQIA+ community should be treated with respect and basic human decency by the government and the community. I believe that there should be more education and awareness being spread about the existence of the LGBTQIA+ community in schools, as well as the rest of Brimbank City, due to discrimination being a large issue many young LGBTQIA+ people face. 

Youth unemployment is another issue I am interested in voicing. Due to having experienced it myself, I know how frustrating it is to not be able to get an employer to respond to your application, or not being able to find a suitable job while you are still in high school or university. I would love to advocate for young people’s employment rights such as having their applications reviewed, having flexible work hours and appropriate pay rates.

What are you hoping to achieve as a BYC member this year?

I am hoping to represent the voices of youth at my school as well as in the community on topics and issues that either interest or affect them. My goal is also to work efficiently with the rest of Brimbank Youth Council on a chosen project that will better improve the lifestyle of our youth. 

What does a better Brimbank look like to you?

A better brimbank is environmentally sustainable, accepting and diverse.

What’s one piece of advice you have for young people who want to create change in their community?

Creating change can be an intimidating process, but when deciding between fight or flight, always pick fight. If you don’t speak up and act on what makes you passionate, that passion will just stay a thought inside your head. Be the first to make a move. Knowing who to go to for assistance and having necessary resources are also a big help.

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