Brimbank Youth Council – Jade Byers
It’s with great pleasure to introduce your 2022 Brimbank Youth Council: Jade Byers!
Name: Jade Byers
Suburb: Derrimut
Tell us more about yourself!
I’m passionate about seeing difficulties in my family’s and friends’ lives and trying to make it better. I enjoy drawing, painting and going out with friends!
Why did you join the BYC?
I joined the BYC because I want to make a change in our community and have a say benefiting everyone.
What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about adding seating areas and shade in the local primary and high schools in Brimbank. I’m passionate about this because lots of kids have allergies and hayfever and having nowhere cool and safe to sit can cause allergic reactions. I’m also passionate about getting shady areas because skin cancer is something that my family has experienced, and after seeing my family go through that, I don’t want any kids or other people to experience it too.
What are you hoping to achieve as a BYC member this year?
I’m hoping to make a positive change to our community to suit everyone!
What does a better Brimbank look like to you?
A safe and welcoming community for all ages, colors and regions.
What’s one piece of advice you have for young people who want to create change in their community?
Listen to all points of views to make a good decision for everyone!