Indigenous Plants of Brimbank

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🙌 In celebration of #NAIDOC week, we want to share knowledge about the common and recognisable species of Indigenous Plants of Brimbank!
Common, recognisable species in Brimbank;
  •         Cumbungi Typha domingenis OR Common Reed Phragmites australis
  •         Kangaroo Grass Themeda triandra
  •         Wattles – any – these are coming out in flower now and soon (use the LaTrobe List)
Indigenous Name(s) Common Name Language, Region or Clan Uses

Silver Wattle Djadja wurrung Wood used to make stone axe

handles. Gum dissolved in water to make a mild sweet drink and also mixed with ash for use as resin.

Wuulot and/or Wuuloitch

Kangaroo Grass Gunditjmara and Djab wurrung String from leaves and stem to make bags and fishing nets. Seeds ground into flour.
Djarg, Jaark, Kaerk, Taark, Taerk, Tark, Tark-korn, Kowat and/or Charr-ak

Common Reed Wemba Wemba


Lake Boga

Djab wurrung





Crisp, non-starchy root eaten.

Sections of reed strung into necklaces and used as nose ornaments. Straight stems are also used as spear shafts. Leaves were twisted into rope for

making baskets. In Gippsland, sharp edges of cane were used as knives for skinning animals.

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Emma-Rain Kirifi Brimbank Youth Services