Libraries After Dark
Brimbank Libraries are open until 10pm on Thursday evenings at Sunshine Library, offering an array of events, programs and workshops to explore and inspire.
Make new friends, spend time learning new skills, or simply relax and unwind in the comfortable, welcoming space that is Your Community Lounge.
While you are there, access all the no charge and low-cost library services and facilities that are available seven days a week.
Libraries After Dark is a statewide initiative funded by the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation, offering a welcome alternative to the lure of pokies venues in high-risk communities. Check out the great programs on offer across the state.
*Check the listings below for upcoming sessions at Brimbank Libraries.
Games & Puzzles Lab
Join us for classic games, board, parlour and puzzle! Try something new, having fun exploring games you haven’t tried before.
All welcome. Light refreshments included.
Bookings essential.
An Introduction to Street Photography: Looking Beyond the Obvious
Discover the art of street photography in this one-hour workshop delivered by photographer Adrian Whear, followed by a walk outside to view a projection of his work.
This event is a collaboration between INfuse Artist’s Network and Libraries After Dark.
Hobby Night
Come along and tell us about your hobby. Bring in some examples or photos and share your hobby with other enthusiasts. You might even be inspired to try a new one!
All welcome. Light refreshments included.
Bookings essential.
Turn Your Passion Into a Business – Starting Your Small Business
Do you have a skill, hobby or passion project you’d like to take further? These Business Victoria workshops teach you how that dream can become a reality. They will be delivered by Monarch Institute, a registered training organisation, in collaboration with Business Victoria. Bookings essential.
Session 1: Starting Your Small Busines
Prepare to get your bright idea off the ground, step by step, at this essential planning session packed with vital start-up tips, tools, and expert guidance that will prepare you to give your business the best chance of success.
Evening Movies
Unwind after a long day, join us for a movie, put your feet up, relax and enjoy – it’s like being in your own home theatre!
Movies from every genre and period of time will be screened.
All welcome. Light refreshments included.
Bookings essential.
Turn Your Passion Into A Business – Generating Cashflow
Do you have a skill, hobby or passion project you’d like to take further? These Business Victoria workshops teach you how that dream can become a reality. They will be delivered by Monarch Institute, a registered training organisation, in collaboration with Business Victoria. Bookings essential.
Session 2: Generating Cashflow
Cash flow is the lifeblood of every small business. Not enough cash flow and things start to go wrong. Without it, no business can survive.
Maryrose Cuskelly Author Talk
Join us for a special author talk by Maryrose Cuskelly to launch our Libraries After Dark Sunset Book Chat. This informal gathering of people interested in books, and sharing good conversations about recent reading discoveries will be held every second Thursday evening of the month at Sunshine Library.
All welcome. Light refreshments included.
Bookings essential.
*Please note that all library visitors aged 18 and over must be fully vaccinated, in line with Victorian Government regulations.
Sunset Book Chat
A nighttime book gathering for avid readers who don’t get the chance to attend book chats during the day.
Bring along what you are currently reading or a favourite author to share. Let’s talk books, reading and the impact stories have on us.
Join us for a special author talk to launch our Libraries After Dark Sunset Book Chat. This informal gathering of people interested in books, and sharing good conversations about recent reading discoveries will be held every second Thursday evening of the month at Sunshine Library.
All welcome. Light refreshments included.
Bookings essential.
Turn Your Passion Into A Business – Taking Your Business Online
Do you have a skill, hobby or passion project you’d like to take further? These Business Victoria workshops teach you how that dream can become a reality. They will be delivered by Monarch Institute, a registered training organisation, in collaboration with Business Victoria. Bookings essential.
Session 3. Taking Your Business Online
Get yourself ready to launch your business online at this essential digital session that goes right back to basics to build a complete picture of the opportunities ahead.
Games & Puzzles Lab
Join us for classic games, board, parlour and puzzle! Try something new, having fun exploring games you haven’t tried before.
All welcome. Light refreshments included.
Bookings essential.
Turn Your Passion Into A Business – Strategies to Advance Your Online Business
Do you have a skill, hobby or passion project you’d like to take further? These Business Victoria workshops teach you how that dream can become a reality. They will be delivered by Monarch Institute, a registered training organisation, in collaboration with Business Victoria. Bookings essential.
Session 4. Strategies to Advance Your Online Business
In the digital world, content is king! Make sure yours is working for your business, your brand and speaking to the customers you want to reach.
Hobby Night
Come along and tell us about your hobby. Bring in some examples or photos and share your hobby with other enthusiasts. You might even be inspired to try a new one!
All welcome. Light refreshments included.
Bookings essential.
Turn Your Passion Into A Business – Maximising Your Marketing
Do you have a skill, hobby or passion project you’d like to take further? These Business Victoria workshops teach you how that dream can become a reality. They will be delivered by Monarch Institute, a registered training organisation, in collaboration with Business Victoria. Bookings essential.
Session 5: Maximising Your Marketing
An effective marketing strategy should boost your brand, capture customers, keep them coming back, and ultimately save you time and money.
Evening Movies
Unwind after a long day, join us for a movie, put your feet up, relax and enjoy – it’s like being in your own home theatre!
Movies from every genre and period of time will be screened.
All welcome. Light refreshments included.
Bookings essential.
Sunset Book Chat
A nighttime book gathering for avid readers who don’t get the chance to attend book chats during the day.
Bring along what you are currently reading or a favourite author to share. Let’s talk books, reading and the impact stories have on us.
All welcome. Light refreshments included.
Bookings essential.
Games & Puzzles Lab
Join us for classic games, board, parlour and puzzle! Try something new, having fun exploring games you haven’t tried before.
All welcome. Light refreshments available.
Bookings essential.
Hobby Night
Come along and tell us about your hobby. Bring in some examples or photos and share your hobby with other enthusiasts. You might even be inspired to try a new one!
All welcome. Light refreshments included.
Bookings essential.
Evening Movies
Unwind after a long day, join us for a movie, put your feet up, relax and enjoy – it’s like being in your own home theatre!
Movies from every genre and period of time will be screened.
All welcome. Light refreshments included.
Bookings essential.
Sunset Book Chat
A nighttime book gathering for avid readers who don’t get the chance to attend book chats during the day.
Bring along what you are currently reading or a favourite author to share. Let’s talk books, reading and the impact stories have on us.
All welcome. Light refreshments included.
Bookings essential.
Games & Puzzles Lab
Join us for classic games, board, parlour and puzzle! Try something new, having fun exploring games you haven’t tried before.
All welcome. Light refreshments included.
Bookings essential.
Hobby Night
Come along and tell us about your hobby. Bring in some examples or photos and share your hobby with other enthusiasts. You might even be inspired to try a new one!
All welcome. Light Refreshments included.
Bookings essential.
Evening Movies
Unwind after a long day, join us for a movie, put your feet up, relax and enjoy – it’s like being in your own home theatre!
Movies from every genre and period of time will be screened.
All welcome. Light refreshments available.
Bookings essential.
Sunset Book Chat
A nighttime book gathering for avid readers who don’t get the chance to attend book chats during the day.
Bring along what you are currently reading or a favourite author to share. Let’s talk books, reading and the impact stories have on us.
All welcome. Light refreshments included.
Bookings essential.
Games & Puzzles Lab
Join us for classic games, board, parlour and puzzle! Try something new, having fun exploring games you haven’t tried before.
All welcome. Light refreshments included.
Bookings essential.
Hobby Night
Come along and tell us about your hobby. Bring in some examples or photos and share your hobby with other enthusiasts. You might even be inspired to try a new one!
All welcome. Light refreshments included.
Bookings essential.
All Libraries After Dark Series