Meet #BYC – Billy Chen

 In Brimbank Youth Council, News

It’s time to meet your 2023 Brimbank Youth Councillor Billy Chen.

A Brimbank young people who is motivated, excited and determined to represent the young community of Brimbank.

Tell us more about yourself!
I am a year 12 student studying English Language, Japanese, Geography, General Mathematics, Legal Studies and Global Politics. At school, I participate in a range of extracurricular activities such as the annual Japanese Language Model UN and Book Club.

Why did you join the BYC? OR IF THIS IS YOUR SECOND YEAR: Why did you decide to stay on in the BYC

I joined the Brimbank Youth Council as I believe that young people have an important role to play now and into the future. The world is going through a period of immense change and uncertainty, and I strongly believe that it is more important than ever before that young people have a greater say in the future of the world.

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about young people in Brimbank having the same opportunities and experiences as other young people who come from other areas of Melbourne. I am also passionate about getting young people involved in our community. I believe that it is important for young people to be able to develop their passions, make new friends and build their interpersonal skills and leadership whether this be through participating in community leadership, sports or school clubs.

What are you hoping to achieve as a BYC member this year?

I am excited to be able to represent young people in Brimbank this year and hope that through the work of the Brimbank Youth Council, young people in Brimbank can feel more connected to the community and have greater optimism about their future.

What does a better Brimbank look like to you?

A better Brimbank is a place where all young people feel supported to achieve their dreams and aspirations. I hope that we can celebrate our cultural diversity and have amazing events such as the Lunar New Year Festival now and into the future. I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for Brimbank in the upcoming years as it emerges as a major Victorian hub for employment, multiculturalism, and transport. Projects such as the Metro Tunnel will put Brimbank at the forefront of Victorian public transport.

What’s one piece of advice you have for young people who want to create change in their community?

Start with the small things such as talking to your family and friends and researching the topics that you would like to see change in. Nowadays, there are so many ways to create change in our community. Reach out to your local Councillor, form a community group and find other like-minded people who are also passionate about creating change.

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