Meet #BYC – Michelle Tran

 In Brimbank Youth Council, News

It’s time to meet your 2023 Brimbank Youth Councillor Michelle Tran.

A Brimbank young people who is motivated, excited and determined to represent the young community of Brimbank.

Tell us more about yourself!

Hi, I’m Michelle and I am one of the new Brimbank Youth Council (BYC) members. I just graduated from university last year and I am currently completing my Legal training. My goal for this year is to be admitted as an Australian lawyer and carry-out a BYC project which Youths in Brimbank can relate and are passionate towards.

Why did you join the BYC?

I joined the BYC because I was interested by the concept of the Youth council in how it is an opportunity for youths in the Brimbank community to have a say and represent their peers in making a difference to the community. I also joined because I thought that with my background in studying law, I would be able to contribute to tackling the issues which the Youth Council aim to resolve or make the community more aware of. Lastly, I joined the BYC to broaden my network and experience a setting which I have not encountered before and to have fun while doing so.

One piece of advice for young people who want to create a change in their community.

My advice is that it is never too late to have a try. No matter how small or big of an impact, the first step to making a change is having the courage to try to make a change.

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about helping people and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Where I try my best to understand the difficulties that people may have and help strategies solutions to combat the challenges. Whilst maintaining a balanced lifestyle that ensures that I look after myself mentally and physically by regularly communicating with family and friends as well as playing sports such as badminton.

What are you hoping to achieve as a BYC member this year?

I am hoping to help youth in the Brimbank community as a member of the BYC this year. I hope that the project/s that the BYC will be working on will help educate and connect with youths in Brimbank.

What does a better Brimbank look like to you?

A better Brimbank to me would be somewhere where everyone can feel safe and included. A community where everyone can communicate and interact with each other no matter what background they have and being able to gather and have fun together.

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