Meet Joanna – 10 Young People Of Brimbank!

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Victorian Youth Week is a ten-day celebration of young people aged 12 to 25 years old that takes place each year in April.

Due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, we unfortunately had to cancel many events. Although that doesn’t mean the celebration is over!

In Brimbank, we’re celebrating YOUTH WEEK by highlighting the uniqueness, talents and creativity of 10 young individuals in our community including JOANNA!

1. Three things about you.

I love to do ballet and pointe work.

I like to play volleyball.

I love reading books.

2. Where is your favourite place or activity in Brimbank?

My favourite place in Brimbank is visiting Sunshine library as they have books which I love to read and they also have a wide selection of books to choose from. Sunshine library is welcoming and accommodating to everyone in the community. I also love to go to Oz skate and do roller blading. My family and I love the local Vietnamese cuisine, but our family favourites are the banh mi rolls.

3. What do you hope for the future of Brimbank? OR What is one thing you would like to improve about our community?

What I hope for the future of Brimbank is for all the young people to feel safe and connected to the community by participating in different events. To have the opportunity to socialise with people that have similar interests, such as through youth book clubs.

5. What’s one achievement or accomplishment that you are proud of?

The biggest accomplishment is becoming school captain and representing Victorian Primary school students during a student exchange program provided by the Victorian Principals Association (VPA) to China.

During the exchange program I got to grow my knowledge on the Chinese culture and created a welcoming speech on behalf of the Victorian Primary school students, in both Mandarin and English.  I was very nervous, though I was able to make the students and teachers proud by the way I conducted myself.

6. Now that you have more free time at home, how are you spending it?

Now that I have free time I spend it by walking. Also I am Reading, playing the cello and practising my pointe work in my room. I enjoy baking desserts and playing with my cheeky puppy Charlie.

7. What’s your number 1 tip or advice for other young people who are staying at home/self-isolating?

My advice to young people is to listen to what the government officials are instructing us to do, which is to stay home. Try something new and keep positive during this time. You can keep positive by doing things you love, keeping in touch with friends and family. Choose what you read and listen to as it can be distressing.

Thanks JOANNA, the @brimbankyouthservices team wishes you the very best for the future!

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Brimbank Youth Council Update 00110 Young People Of Brimbank - Saana