Meet LILY – 10 Young People Of Brimbank!
Victorian Youth Week is a ten-day celebration of young people aged 12 to 25 years old that takes place each year in April.
Due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, we unfortunately had to cancel many events. Although that doesn’t mean the celebration is over!
In Brimbank, we’re celebrating YOUTH WEEK by highlighting the uniqueness, talents and creativity of 10 young individuals in our community including LILY!
Three things about you.
Hi my name is Lily, I’m 25 and I live in St Albans. I am a photographer who also makes zines and enjoys looking after my succulent garden.
Where is your favourite place or activity in Brimbank?
My favourite place in Brimbank is definitely the Sunshine library. It has a variety of books, comics and a lot of quiet places to sit and do my work.
What do you hope for the future of Brimbank? OR What is one thing you would like to improve about our community?
I really wish there were more free creative programs, workshops or platforms that were available for young people. It will be amazing if there is a ‘Makers Space’ for people to come and draw, paint and make zines to exhibit their creative work to the local public. This will encourage young artistic people to explore their creativity after school hours and build on their portfolio if they wanted to pursue a creative career.
What’s one achievement or accomplishment that you are proud of?
I was a part of designing a youth space in Errington Reserve. It was really exciting to work with other young people to get an understanding of what they wanted the future of St Albans youth spaces to look like.
How do I feel during this COVID-19 pandemic as a YP?
Waking up every day hearing dire news online and being fearful when going out for groceries really makes 2020 an interesting year. First, it was the horrible bush fires and now this. Young people less likely to get the virus we still have to live with fear when people look at you like you were the cause of this disease just because I am Asian. It’s like we are back to the days where Asians are still seen as the ‘other’. After Trump has called it the ‘Chinese virus’ the racism may worsen. Who knows.
I’m just feeling grateful that we are not as bad as other countries as we are taking isolation very seriously.
What am I doing now at home during quarantine?
I’m trying to take photos of what I cook and post it on my Facebook and Instagram to keep my online presence active while being creative at home.
Also watching heaps of online workout videos to get fit at home. Blogalaties and Madfit are my favourite workout trainers!
Thanks LILY, the @brimbankyouthservices team wishes you the very best for all the future ventures, that life has in store for you!