Meet Saana – 10 Young People Of Brimbank!

 In News

Victorian Youth Week is a ten-day celebration of young people aged 12 to 25 years old that takes place each year in April.

Due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, we unfortunately had to cancel many events. Although that doesn’t mean the celebration is over!

In Brimbank, we’re celebrating YOUTH WEEK by highlighting the uniqueness, talents and creativity of 10 young individuals in our community including SAANA!

Three things about you:

Hi! My name is Saana, I’m 23, and I use she/her pronouns. I work and socialise in Sunshine, but spend my spare time trying not to kill my houseplants. I’m also a witch who’s very passionate about equality, climate change, and the rights of LGBTQIA+ and mentally ill people, particularly young people who are both!

Where is your favourite place or activity in Brimbank?

My favourite place in Brimbank is a tie between the library and the BLF, which is where I attend my LGBTQIA+ youth group, Crystal Queer, and do art therapy at headspace!

What do you hope for the future of Brimbank? OR What is one thing you would like to improve about our community?

I hope that Brimbank becomes an environmentally conscious and sustainable city, and that we can become a progressive and safe place for LGBTQIA+ people in the near future!

What’s one achievement or accomplishment that you are proud of?

I’m really proud of the creative work I did that was displayed in several local art exhibitions, which includes several large art pieces and installations, and my first published poem!

Now that you have more free time at home, how are you spending it? 

I’ve been spending a lot of time reading or playing animal crossing, with plenty of breaks to pat my dogs. I’ve also been making some art, and reorganised my bedroom furniture!

What’s your number 1 tip or advice for other young people who are staying at home/self-isolating?

I think it’s important to find something to do that doesn’t always involve looking at a screen. Try taking some time to go outside for fresh air, even if it’s just into the backyard, and do different things like cooking, drawing, dancing, and more. It’s good to have variety!

Thanks SAANA, the @brimbankyouthservices team wishes you the very best for the future!

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