What will be published?

Articles that we will generally publish include:

  • Items relevant to Brimbank Youth Services, local youth organisations, businesses and individuals. 
  • For businesses, we won’t publish product promotions, but will accept news about expansion, major changes, awards, etc.
  • News from schools, clubs and community groups.
  • Community service announcements.
  • Photos of breaking news, community events or those that promote a positive image of the city, such as the #brimbank, #wearebrimbank and #brimbankyoungpeople pictures on Instagram.

Brimbank Youth Services acknowledges there are reputable media outlets in Brimbank that do publish local news, and we acknowledge the important role they play.

We don’t seek to displace them, but to add to media diversity and provide a platform for many public-interest stories which aren’t always published.

If people disagree with the views expressed in an article, or want to express an opinion, they may do so in the comments section or contact us.

Errors and Complaints

If there’s an error in any of our articles or if you have a complaint, please contact us by telephone (9249 4000), or email bys@brimbank.vic.gov.au

Any factual error will be corrected as soon as possible.

Who writes for us?

Brimbank Youth News Online is edited and curated by members of the Brimbank Youth Services team at Brimbank City Council. 

Writers include Council staff and community members.

Articles are invited and accepted from community organisations, businesses and agencies.

Copyright and re-use of material

Any article published on this site to a Brimbank Youth Services decision, action or event is free to use without attribution. If in doubt, contact us. 

These will generally appear under the Council and News category, but could appear in a number of other categories.

Other content published here (e.g. community, business news under a byline that’s not “Contributed”) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.

That means anyone may:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
  • Under the following terms — Attribution: You must give appropriate credit and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests we endorse you or your use.

Articles that are bylined “Contributed” have been provided to us and may be considered to be in the public domain and not subject to any licence.

Third-party material

We may publish images, graphics, video, audio, text or other material that we understand is free to use in the public domain. Where possible, we’ll identify the source of any third-party material.

If we inadvertently use material that is owned by you, please contact us and we’ll immediately acknowledge this and/or remove the item.


Brimbank Youth News Online is owned and operated by Brimbank Youth Services. Writers for Brimbank Youth News include Council staff, community members and contributors.

301 Hampshire Road, Sunshine
PO Box 70, Sunshine 3020

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