Tluang – Brimbank Youth Council #MEETBYC

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🤔❓ Did you know that Brimbank has a Youth Council? Now you do! Meet Tluang, one of the Brimbank Youth Councillors!

#MEETBYC - Brimbank Youth Councillor - Tluang


Tell us three things about yourself!

I’m a huge fan of music. I’m in a band call “The Octave” so if you need a gig hit us up ahaha.

I’m a pre-service teacher.

I attend church twice a week. 

Why did you decide to join the Youth Council?

Apart from wanting to make a difference in my community; being involved somewhat in the process for the development of the Youth Council, I was intrigued by the fact that the Councillors were very supportive of the idea and the fact that Youth Council was not just going to be an informal thing but a formal place for young people’s voice to be heard. 

What issue are you most passionate about and/or interested in tackling and why?

I want to tackle the lack of youth employment in our community or at least bring awareness to it. We always tell young people to get a job, but we don’t often think about the qualifications required of them. I mean, who needs years of experience just to lift a box at a warehouse?? It’s outrageous. 

The other thing that I’m passionate about is youth participation. I want to see youths planning and leading projects and events that matters to them. I want to see street arts by young people for tourist destination so that we can invite people to come around our community.

Why is it important for young people to be heard/part of the decision-making process?

Young people are the future and decisions that are made today will be live by the youths of today. That is why it is important for young people to be heard or to be part of the decision-making process because it is our future in the making.

What’s one piece of advice you have for young people who want to create change in their community?

My one piece of advice for young people wanting to create a change in their community is to take heart. Trying to create a difference in any environment is difficult and on top of that you’ll have people critiquing you to find faults in your action. Be persistent in everything that you do and follow your heart.

Thanks for giving us such a great insight Tluang! We wish you the very best in your role as a Brimbank Youth Councillor and all future endeavours!


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