Wear It Purple Day 2021

 In Crystal Queer, News
💜💜💜 TODAY is Wear it Purple Day! Check out how our team are celebrating this very important day!
See how our team are celebrating this day in this short video:
If you’re not familiar with #wearitpurpleday, it’s celebrated on the last Friday of August of every year and is yearly awareness and visibility campaign, it’s a chance for the whole LGBTQIA+ community and straight allies – to celebrate the spirit of LGBTQIA+ community.
It’s a day of fundraising, events, fun, LOTS OF PURPLE, and building each other up. Especially queer young people.
The theme for this year is ‘Start a Conversation’.
You can find more information on the official Wear It Purple Day website here: Wear It Purple Website
You can also find some more information about the awareness day but also how you can celebrate, via Minus18 Website
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