Youthlinks 001
Happy Friday Youthlinks! In this newsletter you will a range of opportunities for young people and workers that support young people.
Youthlinks has previously been sent as an email to our mailing list. NOW we will be sharing this resource live on our news page / blog!
In this newsletter you will find:
- Youth voice opportunities
- Events and opportunities
- Programs
- Jobs
- Surveys
Youth voice opportunities
- Brimbank City Council is running a consultation with young people aged 10-25 who live, work, study or play in Brimbank to learn and have a say on the Council Annual Draft Budget and Draft Action Plan for 2023-2024. Session will be held on Wednesday 10 May, 5:00PM-7:00PM. Flyer here.
- cohealth and Safer Care Victoria is running a workshop with young people aged 10 to 17 years old to make a difference in asthma services in the Inner West. The workshop will be held on Monday 22 May and participants will be reimbursed $40 for their time. Register by 9 May. Flyer here.
- GenZine is doing a call-out for submissions to its 5th issue, the theme being on Growing Pains. They are encouraging submissions of poetry, drawings, essays, book reviews and more. Submit here by 15 May.
- Arts Access Victoria has opened its Stella Young Award, an opportunity for Deaf and Disabled artists (between 16 and 30) to win $3000. Applications close 8 May, apply and learn more here.
- Victoria University is doing a project called Pathways in Place and are looking for 2 young people (aged 16-25) to work with them to design, plan and run workshops on young people’s issues. Young people will be paid. Flyer
- Helping Hands is providing peer-based support to Muslim youth aged 18-25 where they can speak to one of their trained Help Givers confidentially. Flyer
- YDAS is running a free online leadership program for young Victorians aged 14-25 who identify as having a disability. Works are delivered based off age cohort. July workshops for 14-19 year olds and September workshops for 20-25 year olds. Details on how to apply here.
Events and opportunities
- Council and Impact Brimbank have partnered up with St Johns Ambulance Victoria to roll out an exciting and innovative program called Defib In Your Street within the Brimbank community (St Albans, Kealba, Kings Park and Albanvale). This initiative ensures that no resident is more than 400 metres from a 24/7 available AED. Learn more by
- Welcoming Australia has released its Symposium program for 2023, with its theme being Power of Place, to explore the critical role of local communities in advancing social cohesion. It will be held in Melbourne on 10-11 May. The event will also be livestreamed. Flyer here. Register to watch livestream here.
- Western Bulldogs Foundation is launching a Sunshine Sports Community After School Program for young people aged 13 to 16 at the VU Sunshine Trade Campus Basketball Courts. Held every Thursday (2 Feb onwards) at 3:30PM-5:30PM. No need to register, just come on down. Flyer here.
- Waves of Wellness Foundation is a surf therapy organisation with programs designed specifically for improving individual wellness and wellbeing. They have an upcoming 8-week Young People (18 – 25 years) Wellness program fully funded by the Vic Health Jumpstart running at URBNSURF Tullamarine on Wednesday’s from the 3rd of May, 9:30 – 11:30am for young people aged 18 – 25. Flyer here.
- YSAS West provide a number of programs across Western Region to young people 10-25yo and their families. One includes the Youth Empowerment Project (YEP) is a specialized long-standing initiative aimed at engaging and supporting young people and families from diverse communities experiencing challenges associated to drug and alcohol use. Here’s a flyer of their programs.
- Raising Expectations has launched its Game Changers Peer Mentoring Program and is recruiting TAFE and university students who have experience as a carer to be matched with student mentors for social, academic and career support. Flyer
- Helping Hand Project is a mentoring program for young people of refugee background, they match volunteer mentors to support refugee youth aged 14-25 to help with settlement support, homework, education and career pathways, English, connections to social and recreational networks. They are open to referrals. Flyer
- CMY is delivering Employment Empowers, a one-on-one mentoring for newly-arrived young people seeking employment. Apply now. Flyer
- STREAT now have a hot desk options in their Youth Space on Langridge street. Flyer
- VicSRC is hiring a new Partnerships and Engagement Coordinator. Apply here by 30 April 2023.
- Wyndham City Council is looking for a First Nations Youth Engagement Worker. Apply here by 14 May 2023.
- Headspace National is looking to hire young people aged 16-25 with lived experience accessing a mental health support service. It is a casual employment opportunity of an 18 month term. Applications close 14 May 2023.
- Lighthouse Foundation is looking to recruit for Team Leader, Community Care. No application dead, but apply asap. Apply here.
- Vic Police is conducting its annual community sentiment survey. Flyer
- VicHealth are conducting a survey to find out what support services are available to South Sudanese young people and families and in which locations. The results of this survey will form the basis for a series of conversation/roundtables to begin conversations to find community led solutions. Complete here.
For more information about the above opportunities, please get in touch with us at
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