During these difficult times in isolation, it is important that we continue to maintain our mental health. One way we can do this is by being mindful, which means to be aware of our present [...]
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all Youth Week events in Victoria had to be cancelled. The good news is that Youth Week 2020 has been rescheduled to happen this November – with all events and [...]
The #BrimbankYouth campaign is a project that aims to capture the voices, positivity and resilience of our local young people through short video clips that give a snapshot of their day-to-day [...]
Both during and post lockdown it’s so important to support each other, because things aren’t really “normal” and we might not realise it but our friends may be feeling blue or struggling to adapt [...]
We hear this word all the time, and for most people it evokes images of face masks and spa days. Don’t get me wrong, that is 100% a form of self-care, but I believe that there is so much more to [...]
Brimbank has a rich Indigenous history and we acknowledge the Kulin nation of peoples as the traditional owners of the land and the Indigenous community’s right to self –determination.