Meet Cr Sarah Branton

 In Brimbank Youth Council, News

It’s with great pleasure to introduce your Brimbank City Councillor Sarah Branton!

Today, we’re introducing you to Brimbank’s Cr. Sarah Branton, who represents her fellow Brimbank City Councillors.

Cr Sarah Branton sits on the BYC committee alongside Mayor Cr. Jasmine Nguyen. Together, they listen to and advocate for the voices of young people!

Tell us more about yourself!

  • My name is Sarah Branton and I’m one of 11 Councillors at Brimbank City Council, and I was elected  in November 2020.
  • I live locally in Brimbank and moved to the area over seven years ago, as I’m particularly driven by my dedication to protect and restore the Victorian Volcanic Plains.
  • Since then I have committed myself to the work of protecting local grasslands and their endangered species, as well as the extended natural areas along river systems.

Why did you want to represent Brimbank Councillors and sit on the Brimbank Youth Council Committee?

  • I want to be a part of change, and a policy maker.
  • I realised some years ago that if I really want to save as many grasslands and endangered species as possible, I need to be involved in policy.
  • There are so many opportunities for local government to protect and advocate for grassland protection and I ran for Council because having a grass-hugging, science based person in Council will boost the chances of an endangered species survival.
  • I can take this a step further by also being involved on the Brimbank Youth Council as I can share my experience and hopefully inspire a committee of young people.

What are you passionate about?

  • I’m passionate about many things including nature and the great outdoors, biodiversity; protecting endangered plants and animals, climate change, mental health.  The list goes on!

With young people in mind, what are you hoping to achieve as a Councillor this year?

  • I want to see more mental health supports, more grasslands protected, more open green spaces and lower youth unemployment rates.
  • These goals are interconnected. People’s mental health improves with better access to green open spaces, which supports finding work and training, which leads to even more improved mental wellbeing.
  • I will support these goals through more community connection, finding ways to engage with young people in enabling and exciting ways, creating more local job and training opportunities, ensuring there are mental health supports in multiple languages.

What does a better Brimbank look like to you?

  • I want to see lower youth unemployment rates.
  • I want to see that more people are able to walk or bike ride to work, along paths lined with native trees and gardens, through creating better bike networks and planting more.

 What’s one piece of advice you have for young people who want to create change in their community?

  • Take action, if you want to make a difference.
  • If an opportunity presents itself to you, and it feels right, then pursue it.  There’s nothing like learning on the job.
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