#meettheorganisation – Brimbank Youth Services (Wellbeing & Belonging Team)
We conclude our #meettheorganisation campaign with our very own Brimbank Youth Service (Wellbeing & Belonging Team).
Tell young people what the Wellbeing and Belonging team at BYS do?
The Wellbeing and Belonging team of Brimbank Youth Services aims to work with young people to develop skills and pathways to navigate transition points in their life.
What young people are eligible for your service?
The Wellbeing and Belonging team will work with any young person 12-25 years old that lives, works, studies, or recreates in Brimbank
How do you support Brimbank’s young people?
The Wellbeing and Belonging team engage young people through;
- Short to medium term ‘early intervention’ and support in a range of areas (including health and wellbeing, education, employment, community participation, group programs)
- Short to medium term counselling
- Support groups that work alongside young people to expand on their life skills
- Capacity building interventions including Tuning into Teen program for parents, Youth Mental Health First Aid training, secondary consults.
How did your service delivery change during Covid-19 restrictions/ lockdown?
Due to the impact of COVID-19, BYS Wellbeing and Belonging team have had to modify our service delivery.
We are still able to provide individual and group support for young people via Zoom or Phone contact, our Crystal Queer program that celebrates sexual and gender diversity is running fortnightly, our partnership with Youth Insearch has moved to weekly youth led peer support virtual group sessionsn – we are open to new participants and we are in the process of developing a series of short cooking/wellbeing videos.
What have been some positive outcomes/ changes you have supported young people to achieve?
The service has been able to support young people in staying connected and providing a space for supported and reflective conversation around the added stress that the Covid-19 restrictions have placed on the community.
For further information, check out our programs page here www.brimbankyouth.com/programs/b-heard-youth-support-program