• Need someone to talk to?
  • Going through a tough time?
  • Need help getting linked in to a service or program?
  • Not enjoying things as much as you used to?

If you are 12-25 years old and live, work, study, or recreate in Brimbank then we can help at no cost to you.

Why seek youth support or counselling?

Because YOU matter!

We can help with:

  • Not feeling your usual self
  • Family concerns
  • Relationship challenges
  • Links to other services such as education, housing and legal
  • Better understanding yourself and your emotions and what to do with them
  • And heaps more

How can you access youth support or counselling?

  • Phone 9249 4000 to speak to a youth support worker
  • Email the Youth Wellbeing and Belonging Team on youthsupport2@brimbank.vic.gov.au
  • Attend the Visy Cares Hub & request to see a worker from the Youth Wellbeing and Belonging Team

We support young people on a short term basis @ various locations in Brimbank

Help Online

If you are looking for help online, click here for some useful links. 

How to refer to BYS Youth Wellbeing & Belonging Officer:

If you have spoken to the young person about support options and they have shown interest in our service please phone the Youth Wellbeing and Belonging Team on 9249 4000.

Referrers are required to contact us to discuss the needs of the young person, program eligibility, response times and any other questions prior to making the referral.

    B-HEARD Youth Support Program Expression of Interest Form

    Additional Feedback

    Brimbank Privacy Statement
    Brimbank City Council is committed to protecting your privacy as outlined by the Privacy & Data Protection Act 2014 and the Health Records Act 2001. The information you provide on this form is being collected by Brimbank City Council for administration purposes and in line with your individual support needs. Your information will not be disclosed to any external party without your consent, unless Council is required or authorised to do so by law.

    If you have any privacy questions or concerns regarding how your information is used, or wish to access or amend information previously provided, please send your enquiries through to our Legal and Privacy Officer at privacy@brimbank.vic.gov.au.

    By ticking this box you acknowledge that you/your guardian will email us to formally withdraw consent.

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