The Dynamic Young Citizens – junior engagement program was developed to provide an interactive communication platform between Brimbank City Council and nine local primary school aged residence.

The Dynamic Young Citizens – junior engagement program ensures children’s voices are heard in Council’s decision making processes.

The key objectives of the program are:

• For children in Brimbank to understand the role of local government in the health and wellbeing of its community.
• Children in Brimbank to feel confident to engage in Council programs and decision making processes.
• To provide a platform for children in Brimbank are able to promote their views on what makes a healthy community.

The Dynamic Young Citizens – junior engagement program is underpinned by the Victorian Child Friendly Cities and Communities Charter:

Children are integral to the fabric of our communities, but without voting rights, their ability to shape the communities in which they live is limited by the opportunities afforded to them by adults. The Victorian Child Friendly Cities and Communities movement works to bring individuals, organisations and communities together to collectively uphold and individually practise the principles of the Victorian Child Friendly Cities and Communities Charter. In fact, as a collective we will work alongside children to empower them to act as active and engaged citizens and share their unique perspective with their communities.

Brimbank City Council is committed to working together towards a child friendly city by developing pathways for children to be active citizens in their community. This work is reflected in Brimbank’s Children Strategy 2020-2024:

Respecting children as valued citizens acknowledges their worth in their own right and is a longer term investment in creating a more informed and engaged community.

And in Brimbank’s Youth Strategy 2020-2024

Empowered Participation: Young people are valued members of the community and are empowered to lead conversations around change.

There are currently thirty-three Dynamic Young Citizens representing seven local schools and their communities in the 2023 program.

If you are a principal or teacher at a local primary school and would like more information on the 2024 program please fill in the EOI form below.

    Dynamic Young Citizens Program Expression of Interest Form

    Additional Feedback

    Collection Notice
    We collect your personal information to determine whether you are a right fit for our programs and so we can contact you regarding your interest.

    This information will be shared with the respective Program Facilitator, in order for them to reach out to you.

    Brimbank Privacy Statement
    Brimbank City Council is committed to protecting your privacy as outlined by the Privacy & Data Protection Act 2014 and the Health Records Act 2001. The information you provide on this form is being collected by Brimbank City Council for administration purposes and in line with your individual support needs. Your information will not be disclosed to any external party without your consent, unless Council is required or authorised to do so by law.

    If you have any privacy questions or concerns regarding how your information is used, or wish to access or amend information previously provided, please send your enquiries through to our Legal and Privacy Officer at

    By ticking this box you acknowledge that you/your guardian will email us if you wish to formally withdraw consent.

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