Would you like to:

  • understand your teen?
  • communicate effectively with your teen?
  • help your teen manage their emotions?
  • prevent behaviour challenges in your teen?
  • support your teen to manage conflict effectively?

Our seven-week Tuning in to Teens program teaches parents how to help their teen develop emotional intelligence.

Teenagers with higher emotional intelligence:

  • have more stable and satisfying relationships
  • are better at managing peer pressure
  • have fewer mental health and substance abuse difficulties
  • have greater success at making friends
  • are more able to manage conflict
  • have greater career success.

The course will cover:

  • emotional intelligence and why it’s important
  • the five steps of emotion coaching
  • different parenting styles
  • anger and conflict management
  • problem solving
  • emotional self-care.

“It has made me a calmer parent and my child is calmer and we feel closer to each other. She is also better able to manage her behaviour.” “The practical resources to use at home make a real difference.”

Register for the Term 1 2025 program by filling out the Expression of Interest form below.

When: Wednesday 19 February – Wednesday 2 April
Where: Online via Zoom 6-8PM

We request that you attend all seven sessions.

Please note: This group may not be appropriate for all parents. Please contact us if your family is experiencing family violence, significant mental health issues or child protection issues. We will talk to you about your circumstances and whether this group is suitable for you.

A FREE program for parents/carers/young people who live, work, study or have some connection to Brimbank.

Download our flyer here!

    Tuning In To Teens Expression Of Interest Form

    Name & Ages of All Children

    Additional Feedback

    Collection Notice
    We collect your personal information to determine whether you are a right fit for our programs and so we can contact you regarding your interest.

    This information will be shared with the respective Program Facilitator, in order for them to reach out to you.

    Brimbank Privacy Statement
    Brimbank City Council is committed to protecting your privacy as outlined by the Privacy & Data Protection Act 2014 and the Health Records Act 2001. The information you provide on this form is being collected by Brimbank City Council for administration purposes and in line with your individual support needs. Your information will not be disclosed to any external party without your consent, unless Council is required or authorised to do so by law.

    If you have any privacy questions or concerns regarding how your information is used, or wish to access or amend information previously provided, please send your enquiries through to our Legal and Privacy Officer at privacy@brimbank.vic.gov.au.

    By ticking this box you acknowledge that you/your guardian will email us if you wish to formally withdraw consent.

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