Brimbank Youth Forum 2022

 In Brimbank Events, News

Are you interested in shaping the future of your local community? If so, then Brimbank Council wants to hear from YOU at this upcoming Brimbank Youth Forum!

If you are aged 10 to 25, Brimbank Youth Services invites you to our first ever Brimbank Youth Forum!

Through interactive roundtable discussions you will have the opportunity to be inspired to create and participate in matters that are relevant to the Brimbank community.

You will have the platform to voice your concerns, issues and ideas that impact you and others within Brimbank.

As part of Youth Fest 2022, Brimbank Youth Services are hosting a series of events for young change-makers in Brimbank.

The main event is the Brimbank Youth Forum, but we are also offering two capacity-building workshops to support your participation in the forum.

We’d love to see you attend all three sessions, but you are more than welcome to pick and choose the events that inspire you.

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