Archie Macwhirter (he/him) – Brimbank Youth Community Recognition 2023

 In Celebrating Brimbank Young People, News

Brimbank Youth Services would like to acknowledge the positive contributions that local young people have made to the community.


Meet Archie Macwhirter!

Tell us three things about yourself

  1. I love anything movies
  2. I’m very adventurous
  3. I’ve met over 80 famous people.

Describe your connection to Brimbank

My connection to Brimbank is that I’m in a program that connects young people with similar interests and I’ve made podcasts and expressed myself throughout the community.

Where is your favourite place in Brimbank? 

Bowery Theatre (STACC) they have amazing events and supporting staff, and they seem to be really well organised with all the events they do.

What do you hope for the future of Brimbank

I would like to see more events aimed at mid teens so that there are more get to-gethers and more people find there tribes, and maybe more watch parties for movies and massive events like the Olympics.

Tell us about a personal achievement or accomplishment that you are proud of

Let me bring you back to about a year and a bit ago. It was the 25th of July and I was so scared of catching trains… mostly because of the people and movement. Now in over a year I’ve caught so many trains and gone on so many adventures, some include Blackburn, St Albans, Northcote and just random suburbs and they’re all so cute. So if you don’t get out of your comfort zone you won’t ‘Archieve’ that much (pun intended). So that’s one of my many improvements that I have seen and this is all because I quit social media.

What’s one piece of advice you have for other young people who would like to get more involved in the community?

My one piece of advice is just get out of your comfort zone and explore the world around you.
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