BYS offer a range of programs to young people aged 10-25. These programs support young people to have their voices heard and to create positive change, learn how to drive with a mentor, socialise and make new friends, have something to do during school holidays and have someone to talk to in challenging times.

I Want To…

  • See All Programs
  • Be Engaged and Learn
  • Be Happy & Healthy
  • Live in a Friendly, Respectful and Safe Community
  • Socialise

Connect and Thrive – For Female-Identifying Youth

Develop essential social skills. For female-identifying youth aged 17 to 22.

Crystal Queer

This program is a fun and informative social support group for LGBTIQA+ young people who live, work or study in Brimbank.

B-Heard Youth Support Program

If you need someone to talk to, are you going through a hard time or need help linking in with specific services.

Linked IRL

In collaboration with Brimbank Learning Futures, Linked IRL is a networking and career advice event for young people from Brimbank aged 16 to 25 years old. We invite you to [...]

Civics & Citizenship Workshop

An interactive 75 minute workshop to support grade 5 and 6 students to learn about local government and active citizenship.

Dynamic Young Citizens

This program provides an interactive communication platform between Brimbank City Council and local primary school aged children.

Tuning In To Teens

This program teaches parents how to help their teen develop emotional intelligence over 7 weeks.

What’s On In The West

This guide list programs and activities run throughout Brimbank and the West during the school holidays.

Youth Voice | Have Your Say

“HAVE YOUR SAY” is an opportunity for young people to speak up and have a say about the things that impact you!

Young Researchers in Schools

This program offers Brimbank schools & students the opportunity to train in qualitative research skills & undertake a research project.

Brimbank Youth Council | Youth Voice

This program gives young people the opportunity to create positive changes in the Brimbank community.

The Bold Source | Youth Voice

This program assists young creatives to produce “The Bold Source” a youth magazine for young people.

School Holiday Show-bags

This programs offers low-cost showbags to young people aged 10 to 17 who live, work, study and/or socialise in the city of Brimbank.

L2P Learner Driving Program

This program helps anyone facing significant barriers to achieving the mandatory 120 hours driving experience to get a Victorian license.

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